What are the states in the promise?

Promises are a fundamental part of modern JavaScript, enabling developers to handle asynchronous operations more effectively and avoid callback hell. In this blog, we will delve into the different states of a promise, explaining each one in detail with examples to illustrate their behavior.

What is a Promise?

A promise in JavaScript is an object representing the eventual completion or failure of an asynchronous operation. Promises provide a clean and manageable way to handle asynchronous tasks such as API calls, file reading, and more.

The Three States of a Promise

A promise can be in one of three states:

  1. Pending: The initial state when the promise is neither fulfilled nor rejected.

  2. Fulfilled: The state when the promise has completed successfully.

  3. Rejected: The state when the promise has failed.

Let's explore each state in more detail.

1. Pending

When a promise is created, it is in the "pending" state. This means that the asynchronous operation is still in progress and has not yet completed.


let promise = new Promise((resolve, reject) => {
    // Simulating an asynchronous operation
    setTimeout(() => {
        // Operation is still in progress
        console.log("The promise is pending...");
    }, 1000);

console.log(promise); // Promise { <pending> }

In this example, the promise is pending until the setTimeout function completes.

2. Fulfilled

A promise transitions to the "fulfilled" state when the asynchronous operation completes successfully. This is done by calling the resolve function provided to the promise's executor function.


let promise = new Promise((resolve, reject) => {
    // Simulating an asynchronous operation
    setTimeout(() => {
        resolve("Operation completed successfully!");
    }, 1000);

promise.then((result) => {
    console.log(result); // "Operation completed successfully!"

console.log(promise); // Promise { <pending> }

setTimeout(() => {
    console.log(promise); // Promise { <fulfilled>: "Operation completed successfully!" }
}, 2000);

In this example, the promise is initially pending but transitions to fulfilled after 1 second when the resolve function is called.

3. Rejected

A promise transitions to the "rejected" state if the asynchronous operation fails. This is done by calling the reject function provided to the promise's executor function.


let promise = new Promise((resolve, reject) => {
    // Simulating an asynchronous operation
    setTimeout(() => {
        reject("Operation failed!");
    }, 1000);

promise.catch((error) => {
    console.log(error); // "Operation failed!"

console.log(promise); // Promise { <pending> }

setTimeout(() => {
    console.log(promise); // Promise { <rejected>: "Operation failed!" }
}, 2000);

In this example, the promise is initially pending but transitions to rejected after 1 second when the reject function is called.

Chaining Promises

One of the key advantages of promises is the ability to chain them, allowing for more readable and maintainable asynchronous code.


let promise = new Promise((resolve, reject) => {
    setTimeout(() => {
        resolve("Step 1 complete");
    }, 1000);

    .then((result) => {
        console.log(result); // "Step 1 complete"
        return new Promise((resolve, reject) => {
            setTimeout(() => {
                resolve("Step 2 complete");
            }, 1000);
    .then((result) => {
        console.log(result); // "Step 2 complete"
    .catch((error) => {

In this example, the first promise resolves after 1 second and then returns another promise that resolves after another second. Each step in the chain is executed in sequence, making the flow of asynchronous operations easy to follow.


Understanding the states of a promise—pending, fulfilled, and rejected—is crucial for effectively managing asynchronous operations in JavaScript. By leveraging promises, you can write cleaner, more readable, and maintainable code. This makes handling complex asynchronous workflows significantly easier and more intuitive.

Promises are a powerful feature of JavaScript, and mastering them will greatly enhance your ability to write efficient and effective asynchronous code. Happy coding!